Species List, India and Ladakh
Written by Jos   

Winter is the season for Snow Leopards in the Himalaya, the feline virtually impossible to find at other times. Winter is not however the best season for producing large lists of other species, most birds having long migrated to lower altitudes and mammals such as marmots hibernating. That said, the hardy residents that remain include quite a number of spectacular specialities, such as Ibisbill, Guldenstadt's Redstart and assorted rosefinches, accentors and snowfinches.

In total, only 55 species of bird and six of mammal were noted in Ledakh, but adding my excursions to Bharatpur and Ranthambhore, these totals rose to 197 species of birds and 20 species of mammal.

The annotated lists below include all birds and mammals seen in the period of the trip, 13 October - 4 November 2012.





Little Grebe

Up to ten seen daily at Bharatpur. Additionally, a single noted at Ranthambhore.


Indian Darter

Common at Bharatpur. Not seen elsewhere.


Little Cormorant

Abundant at Bharatpur, large numbers in the breeding colonies. Occasional singles also seen at Ranthambhore.


Indian Cormorant

Common at Bharatpur, especially in the breeding colonies.


Great Cormorant

Remarkable records, flocks of about 45 and 12 were seen migrating over the high Himalaya on subsequent days at Hemis. These birds were at an estimated altitude of 5000 metres. Additionally, about 20 were noted at Bharatpur.


Bar-headed Goose

A flock of about 20 seen migrating southward over Ranthambhore. None had as yet arrived at Bharatpur.


Lesser Whistling Duck

At Bharatpur, a flock of about ten were noted in one part of the wetland, with a female and chicks in another.


Knob-billed Duck

Six seen at Bharatpur, four at Ranthambhore.


Ruddy Shelduck

Two at Ranthambhore.


Cotton Pygmy Goose

Only noted at Bharatpur, a single female on one day, five the next.


Indian Spot-billed Duck

Two at Bharatpur and two at Ranthambhore were the only records.



The first of the winter birds, about 220 were noted at Bharatpur.



Two birds at Bharatpur.


Common Teal

A common bird later in winter, but the only three birds seen were at Bharatpur.


Ferruginous Duck

Fairly common in submerged grasses at Bharatour, at least 40 noted.


Himalayan Snowcock

Two seen on the slopes in the Husing Valley, Hemis. Additionally, droppings widely seen both in Husing and neighbouring valleys.



Abundant in Ledakh, a minimum of 30 daily in Hemis.


Grey Francolin

Common in the lowlands, with daily counts of up to 15 at Bharatpur, four at Agra and 20 at Ranthambhore.


Indian Peafowl

At least 25 a day at Bharatpur, with about ten also seen at Agra and three or four daily at Ranthambhore.


Painted Stork

Abundant at Bharatpur, the breeding colonies full of activity.


Asian Openbill

Fairly common at Bharatpur, small numbers seen throughout the wetland.


Woolly-necked Stork

In total, seven birds were noted at Bharatpur, one at Agra and two at Ranthambhore.


Black-headed Ibis

At least 80 seen daily at Bharatpur and about 20 at Agra.


Eurasian Spoonbill

Striated Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Indian Pond Heron

Grey Heron

Purple Heron

Cattle Egret

Great White Egret

Intermediate Egret

Little Egret


Eqyptian Vulture

Long-billed Vulture

Himalayan Griffon Vulture

Oriental Honey Buzzard


Black-winged Kite

Black Kite

Black-eared Kite

Crested Serpent Eagle

Eurasian Marsh Harrier


Eurasian Sparrowhawk

White-eyed Buzzard

Upland Buzzard

Golden Eagle

Steppe Eagle

Bonelli's Eagle

Booted Eagle

Common Kestrel

Eurasian Hobby

Laggar Falcon

Saker Falcon

White-breasted Waterhen

Small Buttonquail

Purple Swamphen

Common Moorhen

Eurasian Coot

Sarus Crane

Great Thick-knee

Pheasant-tailed Jacana

Bronze-winged Jacana


Black-winged Stilt

River Lapwing

Red-wattled Lapwing

Little Ringed Plover


Solitary Snipe

Eurasian Curlew

Common Redshank

Marsh Sandpiper

Common Greenshank

Green Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

Common Sandpiper

Little Stint

Temminck's Stint

Pallas's Gull

River Tern

Whiskered Tern

Rock Dove

Hill Pigeon

Snow Pigeon

Collared Dove

Spotted Dove

Laughing Dove

Yellow-footed Green Pigeon

Ring-necked Parakeet

Plum-headed Parakeet

Asian Koel

Greater Coucal

Spotted Owlet

Little Swift



Recorded at all three locations in the lowlands - a single at Bharatpur, two at Agra and two at Ranthambhore.


Indian Roller

With daily counts of up to 30, abundant at Bharatpur. Also single at Agra and Ranthambhore on two occasions.


White-breasted Kingfisher

Fairly common - up to 20 per day at Bharatpur, singles on a couple of occasions at both Agra and Ranthambhore, as well as one near the Indus River at Leh.


Common Kingfisher

Two on a small stream at Ranthambhore.


Pied Kingfisher

One bird on large lake at Ranthambhore.


Green Bee-eater

Four birds noted at Bharatpur.


Blue-cheeked Bee-eater

Flocks of eight and 15 seen on susequent days at Bharatpur.


Indian Grey Hornbill

A total of six seen at Bharatpur and a single at Agra.


Brown-headed Barbet

One bird in a small park near the Taj Mahel in Agra.


Coppersmith Barbet

A single bird along the access road at Ranthambhore.


Brown-capped Pygmy Woodpecker

One bird along the access road at Ranthambhore.


Lesser Goldenback

Singles were noted at Bharatpur on two occasions, as well as two at Ranthambhore.


Common Woodshrike

A pair were seen at Bharatpur.


Large Cuckooshrike

An adult found feeding a recently fledged youngster at Ranthambhore.


Common Iora

Four birds seen at Ranthambhore, all along the access road.


Small Minivet

Two birds seen at Bharatpur, four at Ranthambhore.


Bay-backed Shrike

Over subsequent days, a total of five birds noted at Ranthambhore.


Long-tailed Shrike

Three bird seen - two at Bharatpur and one at Ranthambhore.


Black Drongo

Common at Bharatpur, with a few individuals also seen in arid areas at Ranthambhore.


White-bellied Drongo

Record in the open woodlands at Ranthambhore, a total of five noted.


Indian Golden Oriole

One bird at Ranthambhore.


White-browed Fantail

One or two seen daily in the open woodlands at Ranthambhore.


Rufous Treepie

Common and widespread at both Bharatpur and Ranthambhore, particularly numerous at the latter.


Eurasian Magpie

Present only in the Himalaya. A minimum of about ten a day around Leh and up to six daily in the Hemis area.


Carrion Crow

Two seen near Leh on one occasion.


Large-billed Crow

Small numbers in the Leh area.


Indian Jungle Crow

Abundant in the scrub areas at Bharatpur, small numbers at Ranthambhore.


House Crow

Abundant in all urban area throughout the lowlands, especially numerous in Delhi and Agra. A roost across the river from the Taj Mahel contained many thousands of birds. Not seen in Ledakh.


Northern Raven

Two birds noted near Leh.


Red-billed Chough

Small numbers seen on several occasions in Ledakh, records including three near the Indus River and pairs in Rumbak village on two occasions.


Alpine Chough

More numerous than Red-billed Chough, birds were seen daily in Ledakh, typically in flocks of up to ten in the Leh area and over 40 in Hemis National Park.


Great Tit

Most frequent in Ledakh - counts included up to 15 daily in Leh and about six daily in Hemis National Park. Up to four also seen daily at Ranthambhore.


Plain Martin

A flock of six noted at Bharatpur.


Eurasian Crag Martin

Two birds seen around Leh airport.


Dusky Crag Martin

Flocks of five and ten seen at Ranthambhore.


Wire-tailed Swallow

A pair seen daily around the main roundabout in Bharatpur town, near the entrance to the wetland sanctuary. One also seen at Agra.


Red-rumped Swallow

Two birds seen at Bharatpur and 15 at Ranthambhore.


Indian Bushlark

Three birds and four birds seen on subsequent days at Ranthambhore.


Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark

Two singles at Ranthambhore.


Oriental Skylark

At least five birds seen on sand islands on the river behind the Taj Mahel in Agra.


White-eared Bulbul

Common at Bharatpur, minimums of 10-20 seen daily.


Red-vented Bulbul

Fairly common at Bharatpur and abundant at Ranthambhore, with absolute minimum daily totals of ten and 40 respectively.


Grey-breasted Prinia

Fairly common at both Bharatpur and Ranthambhore, daily totals up to 15 or more.


Graceful Prinia

Small numbers seen at Bharatpur and Ranthambhore, typical totals up to four.


Zitting Cisticola

One bird noted at Bharatpur.


Common Tailorbird

Three to four birds daily at Ranthambhore, most along the access track to the national park.


Clamorous Reed Warbler

Three birds noted at Bharatpur.


Blyth's Reed Warbler

Up to 15 daily at Bharatpur.


Common Chiffchaff

A single at Bharatpur, one in Leh town and at least two in Hemis National Park, all these latter birds in Ledakh being of the tristis race.


Mountain Chiffchaff

Fairly common in Ledakh, counts in excess of 15 daily in Leh and up to five daily in Hemis National Park.


Hume's Leaf Warbler

First winter influx already occurring in the lowland locations - up to 15 daily at Bharatpur, as well as a single at Ranthambhore.


Lesser Whitethroat

Three birds noted at Bharatpur, one at Agra.


White-browed Tit-Warbler

Up to four birds daily in Hemis National Park.


Common Babbler

Common at Ranthambhore, daily totals numbering at least 30 birds each day. Additionally a single flock of six birds was seen daily along the access track to the wetlands at Bharatpur.


Large Grey Babbler

Flocks commonly encountered at both Bharatpur and Ranthambhore, though far less numerous than Jungle Babbler.


Jungle Babbler

Common and widespread at Bharatpur, Agra and Ranthambhore, large numbers seen every day.


Yellow-eyed Babbler

At least 15 bird noted in the arid scrub adjacent to Ranthambhore National Park.


Oriental White-eye

A total of eight birds seen at Ranthambhore, all along the access track to the national park.


Eurasian Wren

All of the distinctive neglectus race, two in Leh and two singles in Hemis National Park.


White-throated Dipper

Brown Dipper


Bank Mynah

Common Mynah

Asian Pied Starling

Brahminy Starling

Rose-coloured Starling

Blue Whistling Thrush

Tickell's Thrush

Black-throated Thrush

Oriental Magpie Robin

Indian Robin

Black Redstart

Guldenstadt's Redstart

Common Stonechat

Pied Bushchat

Brown Rock Chat

Red-breasted Flycatcher

Verditer Flycatcher

Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher

Purple Sunbird

House Sparrow

Chestnut-shouldered Petronia

Tibetan Snowfinch

Blandford's Snowfinch

Indian Snowfinch

Robin Accentor

Brown Accentor

Yellow Wagtail

White WagtailWhite-browed Wagtail

Grey Wagtail


Plain Mountain Finch

Streaked Rosefinch

Red-fronted Serin

Rock Bunting





Rhesus Macaque

black-faced Langur


Spotted Deer


Indian Gazelle

Ladakh Urial

Bharal (Blue Sheep)

Wild Boar

Indian Jackal

Red Fox


Common Leopard

Snow Leopard

Grey Mongoose

Small Indian Mongoose

Royle's Pika

Nubra Pika

Five-striped Palm Squirrel

Short-tailed Bandicoot-Rat



Last Updated ( Monday, 10 December 2012 )