Australia, the Big Down Under. |
Written by Jos

My first visit to Australia, this four-week trip in July-August 2018 focussed on the east coast, encompassing northern Queensland, south-east Queensland and New South Wales. With new birds at every turn, there were no particular avian targets, other than Southern Cassowary, a selection of the bowerbirds and the two lyrebirds. I also had great hopes to find a selection of the iconic Australian mammal fauna, top of the list Koala, Platypus, Echidna and Wombat. |
Last Updated ( Saturday, 09 February 2019 )
Bonus Month. October 2018. |
Written by Jos

Unprecedented numbers of butterflies flying late into autumn, no less than 12 species in the first half of the month, including good numbers of Pale Clouded Yellows, plus unexpected species such as Wall Brown and late-flying Sooty Coppers and Common Blues. Even in the third week of the month, despite cooler conditions, still a half dozen species flying, very unusual for Lithuania! |
Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 January 2019 )
Prolonged Summer. September 2018. |
Written by Jos

And so a glorious summer continues - top weather and abundant butterflies right through to mid-month and beyond. More typical of mid-summer, Large Copper, Little Blue, Wall Brown and Large Skipper all on the wing, plus a good range of others, including four species of fritillary, massive numbers of Pale Clouded Yellows, a Chalkhill Blue and a Brown Hairstreak, the latter my 108th species of the year in Lithuania. In all, a grand total of 31 species noted during the first two weeks of the month, my best ever September total. Also worthy of special mention, one superb European Mantis, a species only known in Lithuania in the last decade. |
Last Updated ( Friday, 19 October 2018 )
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