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Systematic List of Butterflies PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jos   

Common Blue





A full summary of all records of the 72 species of butterfly noted during the two trips, this including 41 species on the April trip (ten days) and 55 in June (2.5 days).








SPECIES LIST (20-29 APRIL & 8-10 JUNE 2019)


Old World Swallowtail

April - a scatter of individuals across central and northern Israel: three Mount Gilboa, three Gamla, one Mount Meron, two Mount Amasa and one Yarkon Park.

June - one on Mount Hermon.

Lebanese Festoon

April - a loose colony of about 12 on a single open slope at Mount Hermon.

June - unexpectedly, one still flying on Mount Hermon (higher altitude than in April).

False Apollo

April - three on a lightly-wooded slope at Mount Hermon. One also seen at Gamla in February.

Large White

April - small numbers across central and northern Israel: two at the Dead Sea, 10 Qu’ad Ida, 15+ Mount Gilboa, one Gamla, one Mount Meron and 10 Yarkon Park.

June - two at Bar'an, three at Mount Meron.

Small White

April - common to abundant at many sites from the middle of Israel northward, including around the Dead Sea, at Qu'ad Ida and Mount Gilboa, throughout the Golan Heights and at Hula, Mount Meron and Rosh HaNikra. Also common in Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv. Not seen in the south, including Mount Amasa, Nizzana and the Eilat area, while only five in the Ashkelon area.

June - moderately common at Gamla and on Mount Hermon. Smaller numbers also at Bar'an and Mount Meron.

Eastern Bath White

April - a good scatter of records: best counts at Ashkelon (40+), along with Mount Amasa, Rosh HaNikra and Yarkon Park (25+ at each). Elsewhere, four at Nizzana, seven near the Dead Sea, 10 at Qu'ad Ida, five at Mount Gilboa, one Mount Hermon and four at Mount Meron.

June - three at Mount Gilboa, at least 40 on Mount Hermon, 10 at Yir'on and six at Bar'an.


Eastern Bath White
Green-striped White

Desert Bath White

April - one in Holland Park, Eilat.

Eastern Dappled White

April - three at Mount Hermon.

Green-striped White

April - three localities: 25 in the Nizzana area, 30+ at Gamla and one at Mount Meron.

Caper White

April - one near the Dead Sea.

Blue-spotted Arab

April - abundant in the Eilat area (IBRC and Holland Park), plus four near the Dead Sea.

Salmon Arab

April - one in dry wadi near the Dead Sea.


Blue-spotted Arab

Large Salmon Arab


Orange Tip

April - five at Mount Hermon, flying with Eastern Orange Tips.

Eastern Orange Tip

April - 15+ at Mount Hermon, preferring lightly-wooded meadow aside a stream.

Clouded Yellow

April - quite common with counts of 10-20 at Mount Amasa, Mount Gilboa, Mount Hermon, Rosh HaNikra, Ashkelon and Yarkon Park. Elsewhere, four at Nizzana, six at Qu’ad Ida, one at Hula and six each at Gamla and Mount Meron.

June - common on Mount Hermon, at least 85 seen. Single figures also at Bar'an and Mount Meron.

Lebanese Clouded Yellow

April - one at Mount Hermon, probably a little early in the season.

June - at least 20 on the upper slopes of Mount Hermon.


April - two at Mount Meron and two at Rosh HaNikra. Note, these are of the xxxx race and the orange flash of the males are more subdued than on the European races, thereby leaving them fairly similar to Brimstones.

June - about ten seen on the slopes of Mount Hermon, four at Bar'an and two at Mount Meron.

Powdered Brimstone

June - at least 25 on the slopes of Mount Hermon, two also at Yir'on.

Painted Lady

April - a major irruption into Israel, these were exceptionally abundant across the entire country, except the lower Arava Valley between Yotvata and Eilat. Regardless of habitat, including the desert at Nizzana and the Dead Sea, the upper slopes of Mount Hermon and urban park in Tel Aviv, hundreds or thousands seen at each locality, many actively flying north. Local biologists estimate as many as 1,000,000,000 Painted Ladies were involved in this movement through Israel.

June - less abundant than in April, but still numerous and seen at all localities visited. Especially common on Mount Hermon, many hundreds seen.


Painted Lady
Painted Lady


Red Admiral

April - two individuals only: one at Gamla and one in Yarkon Park.

Niobe Fritillary

June - five on the slopes of Mount Hermon.

Cardinal Fritillary

June - one on Mount Meron, not far above base station.

Queen of Spain Fritillary

June - four above top ski station on Mount Hermon.

Knapweed Fritillary

April - only seen at Mount Amasa, where four on first visit and 15 on second.

June - six on Mount Hermon, not far above base ski station.

Glanville Fritillary

June - at least 35 on the slopes of Mount Hermon, various altitudes.

Spotted Fritillary

June - one near the base ski station, Mount Hermon.

Ascentria's Fritillary

June - seen on Mount Hermon at altitudes of about 1750 metres and above. First individuals were noted a short distance above the lower station of the ski lift, thereafter quickly becoming abundant, many dozens on the upper slopes below and around the top ski lift station.

Desert Fritillary

April - one at Mount Gilboa.

Levantine Marbled White

April - abundant at Mount Amasa, many hundreds present. In addition, 40+ at Mount Gilboa and one at Gamla.

June - at least 65 at lower elevations on Mount Hermon, most common near the lower car park. Six also seen at Yir'on.

African Ringlet

April - five at Mount Gilboa.

June - one at Mount Gilboa.

Baluchi Rock Brown

June - one on rocks newr the Lower Car Park on Mount Hermon.

Dark Rock Brown

June - six noted on rocky parts of the slopes between the lower and top ski stations on Mount Hermon.

Large Wall Brown

April - four at Mount Hermon.

June - four at Mount Hermon.

Wall Brown

April - one on the Lebanese border, north of Mount Meron.

June - one on Mount Hermon.

Turkish Meadow Brown

April - about 10 at the dry hills along the Lebanese border at Rosh HaNikra.

June - at least 20 at lower elevations on Mount Meron.

Dusky Meadow Brown

June - six singles seen on Mount Hermon, one at higher altitude, the rest lower down.

Bluespot Hairstreak

June - impressive numbers at Bar'an, at least 30 in a single short stretch. Additionally, two at Mount Meron.

Persian Hairstreak

June - single on slopes of Mount Hermon, a few hundred metres above the base ski station.

Ilex Hairstreak

June - six at lower altitude on Mount Hermon (in wooded gulley below Lower Car Park), at least ten at Bar'an.

Rebel's Hairstreak (Lebanese Hairstreak)

June - one on the slopes at Mount Hermon, a few hundred metres above the base ski station.

Green Hairstreak

June - five on Mount Hermon.

Tawny Silverline

June - one of the highlights of the trip, one stunning individual at Bar'an.

Levantine Silverline

June - the highlight of the trip, three in the campsite at Mount Meron.

Lesser Fiery Copper

April - 10+ at Gamla, one at Mount Meron.

June - five at Gamla, five at Yir'on.

Anatolian Fiery Copper

June - seen a short distance above the lower ski station on both days at Mount Hermon, a single on the first day, four the next.

Turkish Fiery Copper

June - three on the slopes of Mount Hermon, same general area as the Anatolian Fiery Coppers.


Small Copper

April - three individuals: one at Qu’ad Ida, one at Gamla and one at Mount Amasa.

June - two on the slopes of Mount Hermon.


Lesser Fiery Copper
Small Copper

Long-tailed Blue

April - three in Yarkon Park.

June - extremely abundant on the lower slopes of Mount Hermon, many hundreds present (but not seen above the top ski station). Also 40+ at Bar'an and about 25 on Mount Meron.

Arabian Sapphire

April - one briefly at flowers at the entrance to the IBRC, Eilat.

African Babul Blue

April - at least 30 attracted to flowers at the entrance to the IBRC, Eilat.

Desert Babul Blue

April - at least two attending the flowers at the IBRC, Eilat. Also one near the Dead Sea.

Small Desert Blue

June - one at Mount Gilboa, six near the Sea of Galilee.

Dark Grass Blue

April - two at the IBRC, one in Holland Park, 12 near the Dead Sea, one Mount Amasa.

June - one at Gamla.

Mediterranean Tiger Blue

April - at least 40 in Holland Park, Eilat. Also, one Qu'ad Ida and two at Gamla.

June - eight at Mount Gilboa.

Little Tiger Blue

June - flying around the same flowers at Mediterranean Tiger Blues, at least two at Mount Gilboa.

Eastern Baton Blue

June - two on a roadside verge at Yir'on.

Holly Blue

June - one on Mount Hermon, four at Mount Meron.

Green-underside Blue

April - one at Mount Hermon.

Eastern Brown Argus

June - two on the slopes at Mount Hermon, a few hundred metres above the lower ski station.

Brown Argus

April - two at Qu'ad Ida.

June - three at Gamla, six at lower altitudes on Mount Hermon (below Lower Car Park), four at Yir'on.

Eastern Mazarine Blue

June - one on lightly wooded valley below Lower Car Park on Mount Hermon.

Zephyr Blue

June - abundant on Mount Hermon, especially on the higher slopes where many puddling at run-off from melting snow patches.

Common Blu

April - six at Qu'ad Ida, one at Mount Gilboa, five at Gamla and one at Mount Amasa (this last locality seemingly out of range).

June - two at Mount Gilboa, four at Gamla, six at Mount Hermon, two at Yir'on and two at Mount Meron.


Oriental Marbled Skipper
Eastern Marbled Skipper

Mallow Skipper

April - one at Mount Amasa.

June - two at Mount Gilboa, four at Mount Hermon, four at Yir'on.

Oriental Marbled Skipper

April - one at Mount Amasa.

June - one on the lower slopes of Mount Hermon.

Eastern Marbled Skipper

April - two at Mount Gilboa.

June - one at Yir'on.

Syrian Skipper

June - two on the lower slopes of Mount Hermon.

Aden Skipper

April - singles at Mount Amasa on both visits.

Orbed Red-underwing Skipper

April - three at Mount Meron.

June - one at Yir'on.

Pygmy Skipper

April - one at Mount Amasa, two at Mount Gilboa.

Levantine Skipper

April - abundant at Mount Amasa and Gamla, many dozens present. Also common at Qu'ad Ida and Mount Gilboa.

June - several on the lower slopes at Mount Hermon.

Small Skipper

April - present at Mount Amasa, number uncertain due to abundance of Levantine Skippers.

June - at least four on the lower slopes of Mount Hermon.


Last Updated ( Sunday, 30 June 2019 )
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