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Systematic List, Butterflies of Alpes-Maritimes. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jos   

Heath Fritillary




During the week 23-29 July 2015, a total of 104 species of butterflies were seen on this trip to the Maritime-Alpes, including both Apollo and Small Apollo, as well as both Mountain Clouded Yellow and Moorland Clouded Yellow, along with 19 species of blues, 18 species of fritillary and 16 species of skipper. 





The systematic list below details the numbers and localites of each species, adding notes to assist in the planning of a similar trip to this region. For site details, please refer back to section one of this report.



SWALLOWTAILS (Papilionidae)


Swallowtail. Only six seen, two at Rimplas, two in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and two near Milan.

Scarce Swallowtail. Common at Rimplas, counts of over 45 on first visit, fewer later in the week. Also at least 12 on the buddleas in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Apollo. Common in the high altitude areas of the Vallee de la Gordolasque, the Col de Cayolle and the Col de Lombarde. Most numerous at altitudes over 2000 metres.

Small Apollo. Four seen at the Col de Cayolle and four at the Col de Lombarde. Probably under-recorded due to the abundance of Apollo.





Large White. Not common - one seen in the upper reaches of the Vallee de la Gordolasque, four on the buddleia bushes in the same valley and a single at the Col de Turini.

Small White. Common on the lavender flowers in Rimplas village. Elsewhere, small numbers also seen on the slopes at the Col de Lombarde, but otherwise only seen inthe Milan area, where also common.

Southern Small White. Only one confirmed sighting - a single about one kilometre down the track at Rimplas. Several other small white type butterflies were also seen, but not conclusively separated from Small White.

Green-veined White. Two records only, a single along the track at Rimplas and one at the Col de Lombarde.

Bath White. One seen near Milan.

Mountain Clouded Yellow. All at high altitude, at least 15 were on the wing at the Col de Cayolle and about eight at the Col de Lombarde. Slightly lower, a single was also noted at Estenc (altitude 1800 metres).

Moorland Clouded Yellow. A restricted-range species in France, one was flying with the Moutain Clouded Yellows near the top of the Col de Lombarde.

Clouded Yellow. Most abundant at the Col de Lombarde, where at least 25 were present. Elsewhere, a single was noted at Rimplas, four at the Col de Cayolle, five at the Col de Champs and at least ten in the Milan area.

Berger's Clouded Yellow. Reasonably common and widespread, generally up to about ten seen per day. Recorded at all localities, except the the Col de Cayolle.

Brimstone. Three individuals seen, all males - one at Beuil and two on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.

Cleopatra. Two seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, one in the upper parts of the valley, one on the buddleia along the access road.

Wood White. Eleven seen during the week - six in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, two at the Col de Champs and singles at Rimplas, Beuil and the Col de Turini.





Blue-spot Hairstreak. All in a single flower patch, six were noted in a small meadow adjacent to the village of Estenc.

Sloe Hairstreak. One individual seen along the track at Rimplas.

Small Copper. A total of five seen - two at the Col de Lombarde and singles at Rimplas, the Vallee de la Gordolasque and near Milan.

Purple-shot Copper. Singles seen at Estenc and the Col de Lombarde.

Scarce Copper. Common in both the Vallee de la Gordolasque and at the Col de Lombarde. Smaller numbers (typically up to ten or so) at Beuil, the Col de Champs, the lower areas of the Col de Cayolle and the Col de Turini.

Sooty Copper. One seen at Rimplas, two in meadows in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and five on the buddleia bushes in the same valley.

Long-tailed Blue. A very nice butterfly, one was seen at Rimplas and one at Val Pelens on the way up to the Col de Champs.

Holly Blue. Only seen in the last couple of days of the trip - a single on the buddleia bushes along the road towards the Col de Lombarde and three on the buddleia bushes in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Short-tailed Blue. One seen near Milan.

Little Blue. One record, a single in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Chequered Blue. One faded individual was found on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.

Silver-studded Blue. Common in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and reasonably common at the Col de Cayolle and Col de Lombarde.

Idas Blue. Two noted at high altitude at the Col de Champs.

Brown Argus. Fairly widespread, with counts in excess of ten at Rimplas, on the north side of the Col de Cayolle and in the Milan area. Five also seen at Estenc and one in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Mountain Argus. Problematic to identify due to similarity with Brown Argus, a couple were seen at the Col de Couillole and Estenc.

Glandon Blue. Several were noted on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.

Damon Blue. Abundant at Beuil, common at Estenc and on the north side of the Col de Cayolle and a few at both the Col de Couillole and Col de Champs.

Escher's Blue. Five individuals seen - three in the Rimplas area and two at the Col de Couillole.

Amanda's Blue. Small numbers, mostly faded individuals, were seen in the Rimplas area and the lower altitudes of both the Col de Champs and Col de Lombarde.

Meleager's Blue. Three singles were seen at Rimplas, one along the track, two on the lavender bushes in the village centre.

Turquoise Blue. Recorded at three localities - singles at Rimplas and Beuil and six individuals in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Chalkhill Blue. Common to abundant at almost all localities visited, including Rimplas, Beuil, the Col de Couillole, the Col de Champs and lower altitudes of the Col de Cayolle. Absent however in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and the Col de Lombarde.

Eros Blue. One seen at the Col de Champs.

Adonis Blue. Only recorded at Estenc, where at least ten were present.

Common Blue. Widespread, but generally in small numbers at any one site. Highest totals were about eight at Rimplas and 15 in the Milan area, otherwise it was counts of less than five at the Col de Couillole, Estenc, Col de Lombarde, Col de Turini and Vallee de la Gordolasque.





Southern White Admiral. On both visits, singles noted at the buddleia bushes on the approach road to Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Red Admiral. A total of 15 seen over the week, the highest total being four at the Col de Turini. Otherwise, twos or threes at various localities in Rimplas, the Vallee de la Gordolasque and the Col de Couillole.

Small Tortoiseshell. Three seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and at least 15 at the Col de Lombarde.

Large Tortoiseshell. An unexpected record, one at high altitude at the Col de Cayolle.

Painted Lady. A major emergence saw very large numbers of fresh Painted Ladies on my last day - at least 60 on thistles at the Col de Turini and 40 on the buddleias in the Vallee de la Gordolasque. Prior to this, records had been relatively few - six at the Col de Lombarde, four in the Vallee de la Gordolasque on my first visit, three at Beuil and singles at Rimplas and the Col de Cayolle.

Comma. Total records consisted of three at the Col de Couillole, one at the Col de Lombarde, two at Rimplas, five at the Col de Turini and two in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Southern Comma. One record - two individuals on the lavender bushes in Rimplas village.



FRITILLARIES (Nymphalidae)

18 species seen, mostly fairly easy to identify. The heath-type fritillaries however are very similar and it is possible that mistakes could be made here or rarer species overlooked, especially at Rimplas where Heath Fritiallry was very common.


Silver-washed Fritillary. At Van Pelens (on route to Col de Champs), an impressive 40 or more were attracted to a single flowering tree, quite a sight. Additionally, minimums of 15 were seen on the buddleias at both the Col de Lombarde and Rimplas. Otherwise, records were very few - one on the lavender in Rimplas, three in Beuil and two on the buddleias in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Dark Green Fritillary. Common on the slopes at the Col de Lombarde. Elsewhere, counts up to five in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, at Beuil, at the Col de Couillole, at the Col de Champs, at Estenc and the Col de Turini.

High Brown Fritillary. Scattered records - one at Rimplas, three at the Col de Couillole, ten on the north side of the Col de Cayolle and two at the Col de Lombarde.

Niobe Fritillary. Three individuals seen - one at the Col de Couillole and two at the Col de Champs. possibly some overlooked amongst the High Brown Fritillaries.

Marbled Fritillary. A total of ten seen across the week - two at Rimplas (one being devoured by a spider), three at Beuil, one at the Col de Cayolle and four on the buddleias at the Col de Lombarde.

Queen of Spain Fritillary. Most common at the Col de Cayolle and Col de Lombarde, where minumums of 20 and ten were present respectively. Elsewhere, five were seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, four at Bueil and one near Milan.

Balkan Fritillary. One of the highlights of the trip, two were found at high altitude on the Col de Lombarde.

Shepherd's Fritillary. Fairly common at both the Col de Cayolle and Col de Lombarde, where flying in association with the next species. Additionally, one seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Mountain Fritillary. Appeared less common than Shepherd's Fritillary, but seen at both the Col de Cayolle and Col de Lombarde.

Titania's Fritillary. Common at the Col de Cayolle, both around the mountain pass itself and on the north side. One also seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Not very common - one was seen at Estenc, several on the north side of the Col de Cayolle and three at the Col de Champs.

Weaver's Fritillary. One record only, a single in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Knapweed Fritillary. Eight individuals seen - one at Beuil, two at the Col de Couillole, three at Estenc and two on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.

Spotted Fritillary. Very common at Rimplas and Beuil, not seen elsewhere. At Beuil especially, many dark phase individuals.

False Heath Fritillary. One seen at Col de Lombarde, two lower down in the same valley.

Provincial Fritillary.Two seen along the main track at Rimplas.

Heath Fritillary. Abundant in the Rimplas area, but relativley few records elsewhere - two at Estenc, three in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and two near Milan.

Grisons Fritillary. Four seen at Estenc, one at the Col de Cayolle.



BROWNS (Satyridae)


Marbled White. Seen daily, common to abundant at virtually every site visited.

Woodland Grayling. Common in the Rimplas area, Vallee de la Gordolasque and Beuil. Five also seen at the Col de Couillole and two at the Col de Turini.

Grayling. One record - a single at the Col de Lombarde.

Black Satyr. In the first two days of my trip, common at Rimplas and in the Vallee de la Gordolasque. Not seen at any other localities and very much reduced in number at these sites a few days later.

Great Sooty Satyr. Very common at Rimplas, in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and fairly common at Beuil. Two also seen at the Col de Couillole.

Dryad. A total of 12 seen along the tracks surrounding Rimplas and eight on the buddleia bushes in the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Great Banded Grayling. Only seven seen - two at the Col de Couillole, two and Estenc, two at Rimplas and one at the Col de Turini.

Arran Brown. Fairly common at the following sites: the Vallee de la Gordolasque, Beuil, the Col de Couillole, Estenc, the Col de Lombarde and the Col de Turini.

Large Ringlet. Moderately common, small numbers seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, at Beuil, at Estenc, on the north side of the Col de Cayolle and at the Co de Lombarde.

Almond-eyed Ringlet. A very nice butterfly, two were seen in theVallee de la Gordolasque.

Common Brassy Ringlet. Common to abundant at the high altitude localities - the Vallee de la Gordolasque, the Col de Champs, the Col de Cayolle and the Col de Lombarde.

Marbled Ringlet. A localized species, several were seen on the Col de Cayolle.

Meadow Brown. Though common in the lower meadows in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and at Beuil, records elsewhere were limited to a few at Estenc and on the buddleia bushes at Rimplas.

Dusky Meadow Brown. Nine individuals seen in the Rimplas area, most along the main track.

Gatekeeper. All rather fresh, at least 15 were noted on the buddleia bushes in the Vallee de la Gordolasque. Additionally, one was seen in the lowlands near Menton.

Small Heath. Recorded at several moderately low altitude localities - five in the meadows in the lower Vallee de la Gordolasque, one at Beuil, six at Estenc and two near Milan.

Darwin's Heath. One one record - a single along the main track at Rimplas.

Dusky Heath. Quite common at Rimplas, especially along the main track. Elsewhere, two also seen at the Col de Turini.

Pearly Heath. One seen at Beuil and one at the Col de Turini.

Chestnut Heath. A total of five seen - one at Beuil, two at Estenc and two on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.

Speckled Heath. One record only - an individual at the Col de Turini.

Wall Brown. Only recorded at Rimplas, where at least ten were noted along the main track, four on the south side of the village and a further individual at the buddleia bushes on the approach road.



SKIPPERS (Hesperiidae)

Of the 16 species of skippers seen, half were Pyrgus skippers (grizzled skippers) - these are difficult to identify and there is possibility that I have made errors in some cases. Quite a number of individuals remained unidentified, even after photographs were obtained.

Grizzled Skipper. At least five noted near Milan. No confirmed records in the Alpes Maritime - second-brood individuals are supposed to be rare at altitude, so several butterflies that resembled this species are presumed to have been well-marked Large Grizzled Skippers.

Dusky Grizzled Skipper. One in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and one at the Col de Cayolle.

Large Grizzled Skipper. Fairly common, with small numbers seen at Rimplas, in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, at Beuil, at the Col de Champs, at the Col de Cayolle and at the Col de Lombarde.

Obethur's Grizzled Skipper. I found this difficult to identify with certainty - records were confined to Rimplas (lavender bushes and main track)and the Vallee de la Gordolasque.

Foulquier's Grizzled Skipper. Another problematic species, seen only at Rimplas and Beuil.

Safflower Skipper. Common on the manure pile at Beuil (many dozens present). Single figues also noted in the Vallee de la Gordolasque and at the Col de Champs.

Olive Skipper. Several noted amongst the many Safflower Skippers on the manure pile at Beuil.

Carline Skipper. One at Estenc.

Mallow Skipper. Only recorded at Rimplas, where a total of five were noted (three on the lavender bushes, two along the main track).

Tufted Marbled Skipper. Two on the slopes at the Col de Lombarde.

Dingy Skipper. Two seen - one along the track at Rimplas, one on the manure pile at Beuil.

Lulworth Skipper. One seen at Rimplas, four in meadows in the lower parts of the Vallee de la Gordolasque and one on the buddleia bushes in the same valley.

Essex Skipper. Small numbers seen in the Vallee de la Gordolasque, at Estenc and on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.

Small Skipper. Only recorded at Rimplas, where one onthe lavender bushes on the first visit and four on the second.

Silver-spotted Skipper. Abundant on the manure pile at Beuil, many dozens present. Additionally, at least 10 seen on the slopes at the Col de Lobarde.

Large Skipper. Widespread and fairy common - good numbers seen at all localities, most frequent at Beuil and on the north side of the Col de Cayolle.



Last Updated ( Tuesday, 25 August 2015 )
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