Labanoras Bird List. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jos   



With a mix of habitats, from flood forest to flower meadows, coupled with a location between major lake systems, my 35 hectares have proved exceptionally productive in the years since autumn 2004, surprises turning up season after season.


Amongst the highlights, Rollers in earlier years, breeding Cranes and Bitterns, occasional Pygmy Owls, summer visitors such as Corncrake and Little Crakes, plus nine species of woodpecker and 20 species of raptors, including White-tailed and Lesser Spotted Eagles. In addition, quite a number of birds rare in Lithuania have been recorded - as much a testimony to the amount of time spent at the site as to the locality itself. These include Short-toed Eagle, several Pallid Harriers, regular Red-footed Falcons, a couple of Marsh Sandpipers, one Bee-eater and a Yellow-browed Warbler.


A total of 197 species of birds have now been recorded at this locality, including birds seen over the land. Amongst the many species, additions in recent years have included:

2011 - Eagle Owl.

2012 - Lesser Black-backed Gull, Bewick's Swan, Little Crake, Common Redstart.

2013 - Snow Bunting, Wood Sandpiper, Common Redshank, Eurasian Wigeon, Water Rail, Parrot Crossbill.

2014 - Common Sandpiper, Shoveler, Arctic Skua, Moorhen, Turtle Dove, Sand Martin, Crested Tit.

2015 - Tufted Duck, Black-throated Diver, Red-throated Diver, Savi's Warbler, Bearded Tit, Reed Warbler.

2017 - Great Reed Warbler.

2018 - Little Grebe, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Marsh Sandpiper, Yellow-browed Warbler.

2019 - Smew, Gadwall, Greenshank.

2020 - Pintail, Spotted Redshank, Citrine Wagtail, Spotted Crake, European Nightjar, Barred Warbler, Booted Eagle.

2021 - Pochard, Whimbrel.

2022 - Great Crested Grebe, Caspian Gull, Coot.

2023 - Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Twite

2024 - Grey Wagtail, Green Woodpecker





Black-throated Diver.

Superb record, a flock of six birds flew over on 16 April 2015, followed minutes later by a flock of 17 birds. Also Red-throated Diver with them.


Red-throated Diver.

Flying with Black-throated Divers, one flew over on 16 April 2015.


Great Crested Grebe. One record from the land - a fly-over on 20 March 2022. Common on surrounding lakes.


Little Grebe.

Three records, two of which related to attempted breeding:

2018. Single recorded on a flood pool in the meadows on 28 April, with another arriving on 1 May and the pair beginning nest-building, still present on 26 May and incubating, but the pool then dried out.

2021. Pair on the flood pool in the meadows from 17 May, nestbuilding soon after and incubating from the end of the month, young present in June. Pool dried out at the end of July, not known if the young were able to fly by this stage.

2023. One on the flood pool on 14 April.



Irregular fly-over species, single birds or pairs seen several times a year, mostly spring or autumn. Two winter records only, both late migrating flocks (see below). Highest counts were 43 birds on 30th August 2014, 14 on 3 May 2015,  95 on 4 December 2021, 45 on 3 December 2022, 29 birds on 2 November 2023 and 185 birds on 12 April 2024.



In recent years, from 2015 onward, booming birds have resided in the developing wetland on my land, a result of woodland flooded and opened out by Beavers, then subsequently invaded by extensive reedbeds. Depending on the year, arrives in late March to mid-April, typically one booming male is present and breeding presumed. Occasionally a second bird heard, as well as distant birds on nearby lake systems.


Great White Egret.

Increasing in recent years, breeding from 2018. This species is expanding in Lithuania and records are expected to further increase. Further future breeding is expected. A summary of records:

2007: one on 5 May.

2012: a flock of three on 25 August.

2014: a pair on 6 September.

2015: a single on 3 May and a flock of seven on 4 May

2016: two on 28 March, a flock of eight on 23 April, two on 28 May, two feeding in the flood forest on 11 June (roosting in trees at dawn).

2017: three flying north in early April, another a few days late. A pair thereafter seen occasionally throughout the summer season.

2018: one flying over on 5 May, then a pair regular throughout the remainder of the spring, breeding presumed, with seven individuals on flooded meadow on 31 May.

2019: a flock of six migrating over on 17 March. Thereafter, common from April and breeding confirmed, seven pairs within the Grey Heron colony.

2020: breeding again at the heron colony, birds actively visiting the site from 20 March. Estimated 10-12 pairs bred, a significant increase on 2019, with first young fledging on 4 June. Thereafter, occasional late summer records, one on 24 September.

2021: first birds recorded in March - one on the 13th (earliest ever record at Labanoras), then three on the 26th and a flock of nine on 4 April. Regular from that date, again breeding at the colony, probably about ten pairs again, successful fledgling.

2022: flock of seven returned on 12 March, beating previous earliest ever record by one day. Birds back at the colony from 26 March, abundance slightly higher, perhaps 10-15 pairs.

2023: returned 16 March, again 10-15 pairs breeding.

2024: first five birds on 15 March, at the breeding colony thereafter. Settled breeding status, similar number of pairs breeding as previous years, fledging young in early June.


Grey Heron.

Common throughout the summer, generally arriving late March, earliest record a single on 10 March 2022. A colony of about 15-20 pairs breeds just off the edge of my land.


White Stork.

Abundant, first birds returning in early April or the last days of March (eg 24 March 2018, 28 March 2019, 27 March 2020, 28 March 2024), tends to depart from the middle of August. Two records in early September (migrating flock on 5 September 2006, one on 2 Sept 2023). About eight nests are visible from my land. Also a regular migrant, particularly in autumn - largest flocks being 320 birds in 5 September 2006, 88 on 29 August 2004, 180 on 19 August 2021 and 120 on 28 August 2022.


White Stork
White Stork


Black Stork.

First recorded in 2006 with a pair on 15 June and a single on 8 July, but then annual until 2013, usually occasional birds flying over, but also pairs feeding in the flood forest. No records between 2014 and 2018, but one bird on 4 April 2019 and one on 5 April 2020.


Mute Swan.

Common on nearby lakes and birds frequently fly over my land from spring through to autumn, typically pairs or small flocks. Largest single count was of 27 birds flying over on 14 December 2022.


Whooper Swan.

Regular birds, mostly in spring, either flying over or on flood pools in meadows. Increasing trend of records with confirmed breeding from 2021.

2004. A pair flying over on 20 October.

2013. A pair on 6 April.

2014. Three birds on 9 March.

2015. Three on 11 April and five on 23 April.

2016. A pair visited a flood pool in the meadows on 14, 17 and 26 March.

2017. Two flying over on 5 March, presumed same on 13 and 16 March. Six birds flying over on 18 March. One on flood pools on 30 April.

2018. Two pairs on flood pools on 16 April, one pair remaining till 5 May. A flock of 13 flying over on 25 October represented the largest count on my land to that point.

2019: Pair on 11 February, then numerous records of birds flying over in March, almost daily, maximum five birds.

2020: Almost daily in March and April, flying over or settling on flood pools. One pair also showed signs of breeding - present from 12 April in a difficult to observe area of the flood forest, it is possible they attempted to breed. If they did attempt to breed, it is presumed they failed, possibly due to adverse weather in mid-May (unseasonal snow).

2021: First birds recorded on 12 March, pairs then regular throughout March, a count of 22 (two on pools, flocks of seven and 13 flying over) seen on the 26th (highest ever total at that time). More noteworthy, a pair were confirmed breeding - present from early April in a difficult to observe reeded area of the flood forest, the birds were incubating eggs from 26 April. Hatching occurred on 26 May, the pair and cygnets then usually invisible in hidden areas of the marsh, still present with one cygnet at flying stage until the last week of September.

Six  birds flying over on 22 November constitute the latest autumn record of the species on my land, while 43 flying over on 8 December not only represented my first winter record, but also my highest ever count (twice as high as previous record). These birds were following a night of minus 17, this unusually early cold spell presumably forcing lingering birds to migrate from further north.

2022. Despite all watercourses being frozen, a very early return of a pair on 20 February. Thereafter, present throughout February through to early summer, a flock of ten also seen on 16 March. Breeding pair took up territory in same location as previous year, but didn't breed and left the area in late May (possibly not breeding due to the adversely cold and wet spring).

2023. Pair returned on 1 March, regular thereafter through to May, mostly on floodpools in the meadows, not seemingly interested in breeding. Lingered most of summer. Additional three birds on 20 April and seven on 26 July. Autumn birds also seen, four on 2 November, two on 4 November.

2024. Very early return, pair present from early February. Occasional additional birds through spring, most notably seven on 2 March. Successful hatched young - nest building from early April and appeared to be incubating from about the 8th, adults with two cygnets present from 19 May. Family eusive from mid-June, but both cygnets still alive and well on 14 and 21 September, basically fully grown at that stage and expected to fledge. First flights on 28 September, both taking to the wing over the marshland, departed by the following week.


Bewick's Swan.

Three records: a flock of ten birds flying north on 23 April 2012; three birds flying south on 19 October 2014; four flying north on 15 October 2016.


White-fronted Goose.

Abundant passage migrant, particularly in spring. Daily counts sometimes in the hundreds in March and early April. Less common on autumn migration, generally October, latest a skein of 40 on 2 November 2023 and two skeins of about 40 each on 2 November 2024. Generally only flying over, though one on floodpools on 26 March 2021and two on floodpools on 22-24 March 2024.


Tundra Bean Goose.

Common migrant, patterns of occurence similar to White-fronted Geese, but usually more abundant, often skeins of hundreds. Generally movements from March, though early passage in 2022, with several skeins on 25-26 February. Less common in autumn.


Greylag Goose.

Seven records, all in early spring: a single with White-fronted Geese on 10 March 2009, another single on 9 March 2014, five flying over on 4 March 2017, two on 11 March 2019, one on 26 February 2022, two on 17 February 2024 and four on 18 February.



The most abundant duck on the land - two or three pairs breed annually in the flood forest and families are regular at the feeding station from the late summer till autumn's end. Usually in numbers up to 20 or 30, but corresponding with frozen lakes elsewhere, higher numbers can occur on melt pools in the meadows in early spring. Record numbers in spring 2021, with 74 on floodpools on 26-29 March, increasing to 115 on 30 March, before dropping back to 65 in the first days of April. Good numbers also in 2022, about 75 on 25 March, dropping to 55 on 30 March.





Four records:

2019. A pair on flood pool on 18 April.

2023. A pair in the same pool on 15-18 April, one male on another flood pool on 25 May.

2024. Four on a flood pool on 24 March.



Five records:

2020. A pair on a flood pool in the meadows on 29 March.

2021. Potentially relating to the same individual, four records of a single male - on flooded pools in the meadow on 26 March, flying over on 5 April, in the flood forest on 8 April and on flooded pools in the meadow on 12 April.



Seven records:

2014. A pair flying over on 3 May.

2015. A flock of 24 on 25 April.

2019. One male on 1 May.

2021. Three males on 1 May, one present next day.

2023. Pair on 14 April, three males and a female on 22 April.

2024. Two males and female on 5-10 April, one male lingering till 14th.


Eurasian Wigeon. 

Almost annual:

2013. A female in the flood forest on 14 September.

2016. A female in the flood forest on 16 October.

2017. A bird calling at night on 17 March.

2018. A flock of eight on flood pools on 16 April.

2019. Four on flood pools on 7 April.

2020. A pair on 29 March, then three on 9 April, these increasing to five on 10-17 April. A flock of eight flying over on 29 April.

2021. Regularly present on flood pools in the meadows from late March to early May, counts including three on 26 March, seven on 29 March, five on 30 March, 12 on 4-9 April, three until 12 April, one on 26 April and three on 5-8 May.

2022. One on 27 March, eight on 30 March - 6 April, female in the flood forest on 30 May.

2023. Several calling birds flying over at night on 22 April, male on flood pools on 28 April, three on 30 April, three on 11 May.

2024. Flock of 34 flying over on 17 March, flock of 90 on 24 March (both highest counts ever), seven on 4-14 April, (three additionals on 6th).


Common Teal.

One or two pairs breed annually in the flood forest. Also moderately common on spring passage, settling in the flood forest or flooded meadows. Usually less than five birds, but counts of up to seven in mid-April 2012, 12 in mid-April 2020, up to 20 in late March and early April 2021 and a peak of 30 on 8 April 2022. Occasional autumn records, latest two on 12 October 2021 and one on 3 November 2024.



Several records, mostly spring migrants, but two or three breeding records also: 

2009. Three birds in the flood forest from 26 April (two males and a female), a pair staying on to breed.

2013. A single bird on 14 September.

2015. A pair on 23 April.

2017. A pair on 30 April.

2018. A pair on 16 April.

2020. On a seasonal pool in the meadows, a pair on 21 April, two more pairs next day. Of more note, a breeding pair in the flood forest from 30 April, the male and occasionally female  reappearing on the seasonal pool in the meadows on several dates in early May.

2021. Male in the flood forest on 8-9 April, two males on the meadow pools on 5 May, a pair in the flood forest regularly from 6 May, appeared to be breeding, the female becoming elusive from mid-May, presumably incubating.

2022. Pair on flood pools on 2 May, male in the floodforest on the 11th.

2023. Pair in the flood forest on 28 April, probably the same pair on a pool in the meadows next day, single male on 11 May, two males on 18-20 May, one till 1 June. 

2024. One on 28 March (earliest record), pair on 11 April, two males on 17 May, pair 23-26 May, male 1-7 June.


Tufted Duck.

Four birds flying over on 4 April 2015.



Three birds (two males and a female) on a flood pool in the meadows on 29 March 2021.



One or two pairs breed each year in the flood forest, young hatching middle to end of May. Otherwise a fairly common fly-over species and visitor to the pools in the meadows.



Two records - a male flying over on 25 March 2019, then three males flying over on 5 April 2021 (an additional ten Smew seen at a nearby lake on this latter date).



Recorded almost every year, mostly birds flying over, usually singles or pairs, one record of seven birds on 27 March 2022, one of 19 birds on 13 November 2022.  Repeatedly seen in the flood forest from in April 2020 and 2021, a pair seemed to be showing interest in nesting sites. Breeds on nearby lakes. Winter records very rare, seven flying over on 10 December 2022 the most notable.


White-tailed Eagle.

Increasing, recorded regularly, breeding from 2020/2021 onwards. Most frequently seen in March to April and autumn, though increasingly throughout the summer and, additionally, adults were seen in mid-winter in 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2023. Most records are of birds flying over, but occasionally roosts in the forest. Highest counts (not including breeding birds) were three adult birds on 11 March 2012, three on several dates in February 2020 (two adults and one immature roosting in the forest) and two pairs together on 10 May 2020. Remarkably, three attacking a Red Fox on 18 February 2023.

Of note, began to breed from 2020 - a pair appeared to be breeding in forest immediately adjacent to my land in 2020, the pair displaying frequently in May and June, a second pair engaging on one occasion. Birds thereafter seen throughout the summer. Confirmed breeding in 2021, the nest located adjacent to my land and two young fledged, these often present in the flood forest at the end of August. Breeding again in 2022, almost same location as precious year, fledging one young - adults and juvenile present through August and September. Again in 2023.


White-tailed Eagle



Occasionally seen overhead in the summer months, breeds nearby and fishes in neighbouring lakes. Earliest spring birds were a single on 10 April 2020 and two on 8 April 2022 and one on 7 April 2024, though more typical from about 20 April.


Lesser Spotted Eagle.

One pair sometimes breeds in the general area. Additionally, extra birds moderately common some summers and further birds occur on passage. Earliest returnees were on 30 March 2008, 5 April in both 2020 and 2021 and 8 April 2022, more usual mid-April.


Booted Eagle.

One light-phase bird on 25 July 2020, slowly drifting north.


Short-toed Eagle.

A rare bird in Lithuania. One record, a single bird at the forest edge on 18 September 2005.


Black Kite.

Breeds in the area and occasionally seen from mid-April through to autumn, generally singles or pairs, though four birds seen together in July 2005. Formerly more common - annual until 2016, rarer since with just a single record on 31 May 2018, singles on 1 and 5 May 2020, 12 May 2021 and 17 May 2024.


Marsh Harrier.

Abundant, a daily visitor to the meadows throughout the summer, usually arriving in the first week of April, earliest record one on 23 March 2022. Generally depart in August and early September, latest record one on 2 October 2022. Pairs breed around neighbouring lakes and a pair has bred in an open area in the flood forest in every year since 2018.


Marsh Harrier


Hen Harrier.

Occasional records, generally one or two seen every year, mostly in early spring (dates 17 March-4 April) or late autumn (dates 21 September-2 November). Highest annual totals were three birds in 2022 and five in 2023 (three in March, four in September, one in October) and four in 2024 (including a late bird on 2 November). Birds on 24 August 2015, 29 August 2021 and, to a lesser degree 21 September 2022 and 18 & 28 September 2023 were unseasonally early.


Montagu's Harrier.

Breeds in the general area, generally arrives from first days of May, earliest on 20 April 2024 - frequency on my land varies year to year, almost daily some years, but just an occasional visitor most years.


Pallid Harrier.

A rare bird in Lithuania. Four records, a male on 28 September 2005, a male 15 October 2015, a female on 22 April 2020 and another female on 1 May 2021.


Rough-legged Buzzard.

Relatively rare in late autumn or early spring visitor. First record on 20 October 2004, then almost annual since 2013:

2013. One on 27 October.

2014. One on 29 March.

2016. One on 2 April.

2017. One on 2 March.

2018. One on 4 November.

2019. One on 11 February, one on 20 October.

2020. One on 11 April, one on 10 November.

2021. One on 30 October.

2024. One on 5 October.


Common Buzzard.

Common year-round. Breeds in or near the forest, hunts over the meadows. Additionally, small numbers winter and regular movements occur on passage. Mid-September to October movements can amount to 10-15 birds/hour, though an exceptional migrating flock of 125 was noted on 13 October 2022, all kettling and slowly drifting south.


Honey Buzzard. 

Recorded most summers, arriving from early May, for example 10 May 2023. Fairly common in some years, but more usually scarce. Breeds in the general area. Occasional in autumn, eg one on 2 September 2023.



Recorded throughout the year, occasionally attacking the feeding station in winter. Most common on autumn passage, especially September to October - up to 20-25 birds per hour often seen drifting south.



Occasional visitor, usually recorded several times a year, no particular seasonal bias. Female caught a Black-headed Gull at a flooded meadow pool on 14 April 2023.






As across Lithuania, generally uncommon. One successful breeding record (2014), but otherwise a scarce passage bird, ten in autumn (one late July, four in August, four in September, one in October) and twelve in spring (eight April, four May).

Total records are as following:

2005. One on 15 August, two individuals on 18 September.

2006. One on 20 August.

2011. One on 25 August.

2012.  One on 11 August.

2013. Three individuals on 14 April.

2014. Two on 3 May, then a pair settling to breed locally, fledging three young in early August. From this pair, birds remained in the area until September.

2016. One present on 24 April, another on 28 April.

2017. One on 24 April.

2020. One on 25 July.

2021. One on 20 April.

2022. One on 7 May, one 4 September.

2023. One on 10 April, one on 7 May, one on 10 September, one on 18 September, one 26 October.

2024. One on 7 April.



Six records:

2010. Female on 21 March.

2020. Female on 7 May, male on 5 September.

2022. Female on 8 April, immature on 25 September.

2024. One on 17 March.


Red-footed Falcon.

An uncommon passage bird in Lithuania, mostly late summer, but near annual on my land - all birds occurring between 4 August and 22 September.

2004. A female on 14 August.

2012. A juvenile on 4 August.

2013. A juvenile on 11 August.

2014. A mini influx with one juvenile on 10 August, another on 17 August, then four together on 5 September.

2015. Three different individuals were seen on 5, 10 and 17 September.

2017. One on 20 August.

2018. One on 6-8 September.

2019. One on 31 August, another on 22 September.

2020. Female on 10 September, immature on 12-13 September.

2021. One on 22 August.

2022. Immature on 20 August, female on 28 August.

2024. Three immatures on 31 August.



Arrives in late April to early May (eg 21 April in 2018, 1 May 2020, 5 May 2023), relatively common some years, less so in others. Autumn records rare, though include one on 23 September 2021, one on 21 August 2022, one on 3 September 2022 and two on 8 September 2024.


Black Grouse.

Three records - single birds flushed from the same area of regenerating meadows each time - a male in autumn 2008, a male on 27 April 2014 and a female on 23 October 2014.


Hazel Grouse.

Several records, mostly in coniferous forest at the edge of my land, though occasionally wandering throughout the wooded and regenerating areas.

2005. A pair were observed in the oak woodland on 1 May.

2011. Tracks of one to two birds were found in the snow in the regenerating area on 21 February.

2013. Tracks of a single bird were found in the snow in the conifer forest on 19 January

2014. Three records - a male adjacent to the forest on 9th and 24th March, a bird flushed near the feeding station on 6 September, then one in the conifers on 19 October.

2015. A pair were present in the conifer forest on 15 February 2015.

2016. One near the feeding station on 16 October.

2018. Female with brood of well-grown young in the regenerating scrub area on 15 July, one on 6 October in the conifer forest.

2019. Dropping were found in the regenerating area on 24 March.

2022. Two in the forest on 10 January.


Grey Partridge.

In earlier years, small coveys were encountered in the meadows once or twice a year, with a maximum count of 18 on 2 October 2005. No records from 2013 - 2022, but then three records in 2023 - a pair just off the land on 23 April, then eight on 1 October and 21 on 22 October, both these coveys on the lawn around the house. Also a pair on 11 April 2024.



Occasionally breeds in the open meadows. Population varies year to year, sometimes none, sometimes two-five singing males per season. Rarely seen, but one flushed on 21 May 2008. Rare in recent years - territorial bird in 2012, two territories in 2020, one calling bird on 16 May 2024.



Breeds in the meadows, arrives middle to end of May, e.g. 25 May 2023 and 16 May 2024. Up to three or four singing males each year. Occasional autumn birds, e.g. one on 7 September 2013.




Spotted Crake.

Recorded in the open marsh within the flood forest in both 2020, 2021 2023 and 2024:

2020. Holding territory and singing every night, a territorial bird present from 7 May, breeding presumed.

2021. Singing bird on the evening of 18 April, two birds singing on 19 April. Absent thereafter, but another singing from 30 May.

2023. Territorial bird on the forest marsh 22 April into June, breeding presumed, second territorial bird calling in early June. Additionally, one calling from a flood pool in the meadows on 28 April - 10 May.

2024. Singing bird on the early date of 5 April. No further records till a singing bird on a flood pool in the meadows on 28 June.


Little Crake.

A very welcomed species, recorded regularly in recent years:

2012. A male present in the flood forest from 16-17 June.

2015. A single in the flood forest on 13 September.

2019. A singing male present from from at least 17-19 May.

2020. A singing bird present from 30 April, attracting a mate from 2 May, breeding presumed.

2021. Arriving on 20 April, calling through to June. Female contact calls heard, two pairs presumed to have bred, a third singing male on one occasion. Autumn records of a single on 22 August and 29 August.

2022. First calling bird heard on 2 May, thereafter territory holding.

2023. Pair present from 11 May, seen calling to each other, thereafter through the season.


Water Rail.

After a single autumn bird in the flood forest on 16 September 2013 and at least four in the same area for a couple of weeks from 10 August 2014, remarkably a pair was found with three chicks on 15 August 2015, just a week after birds were heard calling for the first time. Thereafter, from 2016, almost annual in autumn. Spring birds less common - singles heard on 25 April 2016 and from 4 April onwards in 2020, two present in early to mid-May. Two singing birds also present from 18 April 2021 onwards, breeding presumed, one predated by a Marsh Harrier on 16 June 2021. Also presumed to breed in 2024, with occasional calling birds in May and June.



Records in three years:

2014. An immature bird on 10 August.

2015. A pair then settled and successfully bred in the flood forest.

2016. Pair present again, seen or heard from 25 April, then through May and June, breeding presumed.



One record - a nocturnal migrant, giving flight calls, on the night of 7 April 2022.



Common from March till autumn, breeds in the flood forest. Earliest spring arrivals on 21 February 2019, 28 February 2020 and 19 February 2022. In recent years, one pair has regularly bred in the flood forest (two pairs in 2021) and additional pairs are virtually daily in the meadows, frequently two or three pairs.

A spring flock of about 75 lingered through late April-early May 2023.

Additional birds occur on passage, large fly-over flocks including 113 on 9 October 2004, 205 on 27 September 2015, 220 on 20 October 2019, 930 on 22 September 2022 and 190 on 25 September 2022.

As well as these, large staging flocks have gathered recent summers/autumns:

2020. Initially gathering from mid-August (about 150 birds) and present until at least 21 September (265 birds), birds would disperse during the day, but congregate in the evening and thereafter roost aside a nearby lake.

2022. Similar pattern, numbers building from mid-August (17 birds) to reach totals of 66 on 3 September, 170 on 17 September, 185 on 18-21 September, 110 on 24-25 September and 20 on 28 September.

2023. A flock remained all summer, hovering around 75 from April through to early July, then climbing to about 165 by 10 August, 220 at the end of August, 290 on 2 September, 320 on 1 October, then 450 on 5-12 October. Declined thereafter, 120 on 14 October and 90 on 21 October.

2024. Numbers lower than in previous year. Autumn flock started to build from mid-July with up to 50 until the month's end, thereafter climbing to 75 on 2 August and 90 on 31 August, dropping to about 80 on 7 September, but climbing again to 110 in the first week of October. Gone by 3 October , but two migrating flocks of about 50 each on 10 October and several calling birds on 16 October.


Little Ringed Plover.

Three records, two in 2023 (one on 10 June, flying over the meadows, likely coming from a dwindling flood pool, then one flying over on 18 August) and one in 2024 (one on 21 July on a flood pool).


Golden Plover.

Two records, both involving birds flying over - a flock of seven birds on 3 September 2006, one on 21 August 2022.



Reasonably frequent on passage, usually small flocks flying over. Earliest spring records - one on 16 February 2024, two on 1 March 2023. Often feeds in the meadows, occasional pairs breed in adjacent areas, eg three pairs in 2024. Occasionally occurs in flocks in autumn, typically 10-20, though up to 140 in autumn 2023, staying till October.




Common Sandpiper.

Three birds flying over on 1 May 2014.


Green Sandpiper.

Breeds in the flood forest, territorial display common in the spring from late March. Birds also frequently seen on pools in the meadows and the excavated pools in the spring, sometimes up to ten birds present.


Wood Sandpiper.

Regular, most records in spring:

2012. A flock of 21 birds flying over on 28 April.

2018. Seven on floodpools on 5 May.

2019. A good series of records on the floodpools in May 2019, peaking at 61 on 1st, then 15 on the 4th, 39 on the 5th and a single on the 11th.

2020. A good run of spring records - two on floodpools on 15-19 April, four on 25-26 April, eight on 27 April, 19 on 28 April, 32 on 29 April, 20 on 1-2 May, eight on 3 May, 12 on 5 May, 18 on 6 May, 35 on 7 May, 12 on 8-10 May, 4 on 11-13 May, 4 on 15 May, 8 on 17 May, 19 on 18 May, 8 on 19 May, three on 21 May, two on 28 May. One autumn record - a calling bird at night on 30 July.

2021. Three on floodpools on 5 May, two on 8-9 May, five on 10 May.

2022. Nine on floodpools on 2 May, four on 4-5 May, one on 7-11 May, 7 on 17 May. Up to four on a flood pool on various dates 30 July - 5 August.

2023. Four on 29 April, 35 on 30 April, 20 on 1 May, 35 on 5 May, up to five daily to 12 May, two on 18 May, two on 2 June. In autumn, four birds on 22 July, one on 27 July.

2024. Two on 20 April, four on 16-18 May. Three early returnees on 27 June, four to six on various dates from 10-21 July, one on 27 July, two on 2 August.


Common Redshank.

Several records, primarily spring migrants, though bred in 2024:

2013. Single bird flying over on 18 May.

2018. Multiple birds, singles and pairs, in April/May.

2019. One on 1 May.

2020. One on 10-11 April, one on 22 April, one on 27 April, one on 17 May, three on 4 June.

2022. Two on 5 May, one on 11-17 May.

2023. One on 2 June.

2024. One on 5 April (earliest record), one on 19 April, pair arrived on 16 May, thereafter breeding - two chicks from mid-June.


Spotted Redshank.

A number of records in recent years, most on flood pools in the meadows in late April and early May, though one in June and two autumn records:

2020. A summer-plumage bird on 22 April, a non-breeding plumage bird on 22-24 April, a non-breeding plumage bird on 28 April, three breeding plumage birds on 29 April, one in partial summer plumage on 30 April.

2021. One on 22 April, one on 30 July.

2022. One on 2 May, three flying north on 7 May.

2023. One on 4-6 May, one on 21 May, one on 8 June, one on 19 August.



Several records, most in spring:

2019. One flying over on 11 September.

2020. All on floodpools in the meadows, two on 15-28 April, an additional bird joining the two on 22-28 April, one on 11-12 May.

2021. One on floodpools in the meadow on 8-9 May.

2022. Four on floodpools on 2-4 May, one flying over on 20 May, singles flying over on 2 & 15 August.

2023. Three on 30 April, one on 7 August.

2024. One on 20 April, one on 16-18 May, one on 1-4 July, two on 11 July.


Marsh Sandpiper.

Two records - a single bird on floodpools on 26 May 2018, a pair on 11-13 April 2024.



Breeds in the general area and occasional birds are seen in spring (mainly early April), occasionally summer. Formerly more common, few recent records, though two on 16 April 2020, one on 30 May 2022, one on 1 May 2023, two on 2 April 2024 and five on 11 April 2024. Only four autumn records, one on 8 August 2022, one on 3 September 2022, one on 21 July 2024, one on 31 August 2024.



Two records - a migrating bird calling and flying north on 5 May 2021, five migrating south on 12 July 2024.


Black-tailed Godwit.

Several records, most in April and most on the floodpools in the meadows:

2018. Three on 16 April.

2019. One on 15 April.

2020. One on 6 April,  two on 11-12 April, two on 28-29 April.

2021. Two on 17 April.

2023. Flock of c.15 flew over on 14 April, four on 30 April, two on flood pool on 4-20 May, possibly breeding.

2024. One on 11-12 April, pair on 17-20 April



Regular records in recent years, almost all in the spring, predominantly on floodpools in the meadows:

2018. One male on 26 May, three females on 3 June.

2020. One female on 23 April, a male and a female on 3 May.

2021. Male on 22 April, seven on 10 April, one on 12 April.

2023. 80+ on 30 April, including fly-over flock of 42, then one on 4-6 May, 22 on 11 May, two on 18 May. Also one autumn record - nine flying over on 27 August.

2024. Male on 20-21 April, three on 17-18 May, male on 6 June, one on 26 July.



One record:

2023. Summer-plumage bird on 22 July. First seen flying over with two Snipe, then relocated on a nearby pool.



Breeds in the general area and probably occurs more frequently than the records suggest. Records so far are as follows:

2005. One bird in flight display on 4 May

2009. A pair on 15 March

2010. A single on 28 March

2014: Two separate individuals on 9 March.

2015. One recorded on a night cam at feeders and by a pool on several dates around 24 September.

2016. An amazing spring run of records: one on 26 March, four on 31 March (pair and two singles), two singles on 2 April, one on 4 April.

2018.  A late record of an individual on 25 October.

2019.  One on 11 June, then an unusual winter record of an individual on 14 December.

2020. Singles flushed on both 3 April and 4 April, a roding bird every night from 5 April into June. Thereafter, three autumn records - a singles on 15 September, 24 September and 1 October.

2021. Roding birds in the evening from 17 April through to June. One on 11 October.

2022. Similar pattern to 2021, roding birds through April to June.

2023. Early migrants in spring - six on 19 March, one on 10 April, then roding birds from 22 April through to June. Two autumn records - single on 15 October, two on 2 November.

2024. Spring migrants included five in March, then roding birds from 5 April. Late migrants included singles on 19 and 27 October, plus 7 November.


Common Snipe. 

Occasional visitor, occurring most springs around the excavated pools or damp grasslands. Rarer in autumn, though one on 24 September 2020, two on 14 August 2022, one on 21 August 2022 ajd a very late individual on 20 October 2023. Displaying birds sometimes seen, breeding in the flood forest in 2020 and 2022 and in the general area every year.


Arctic Skua.

A totally unexpected record, one pale-phase bird flying over on 7 June 2014. Heading north, this was presumably a late migrant, though highly unusual over 300 km inland.


Black-headed Gull.

Breeds on an adjacent lake and is commonly seen from late March overhead or on the floodpools, sometimes in large flocks.


Common Gull.

Not abundant, occasionally seen with Black-headed Gulls passing over the land or, more rarely, on the floodpools. Numbers in 2023 higher than average, flocks of up to 30 in April.


Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Three records - three birds flying over on 14 April 2012, one on 4 April 2015 and one on 6 April 2024.


Herring Gull.

Most frequent in spring, usually late March or April, records relate to pairs or small flocks flying over.


Caspian Gull. 

One record - a single on 20 March 2022.


Common Tern.

Breeds on lakes either side of the property, arrives from late April, occasionally from May, frequently overflies en route to these lakes, occasional on pools in the meadows.


Black Tern.

Breeds on nearby lakes, possibly bred in an open area within the flood forest in 2008. Otherwise occasional birds fly over, more abundant some years when presumed breeding nearby. Generally occurs from about 5-10 May.


White-winged Black Tern.

Several birds were seen in spring 2008 in company with Black Terns.


White-winged Black Tern

White-winged Black Terns


Feral Pigeon.

Occasional birds wander over the territory, resident in nearby villages.


Stock Dove.

Irregular migrant, occasional summer visitor, becoming more common in recent years. Most records in early spring, typically March, though early records of four of 17 March 2024. Usually singles or pairs, highest tallies were a flock of 11 on 18 March 2023 and total of eight recorded in a single week between 14-21 March 2019. Very good numbers in 2023 and 2024, regular records of singles and pairs through April, May and June, several also throughout summer.


Wood Pigeon.

Common in summer, usually arriving from late March, though earliest records being of two birds in 16 March 2022 and four birds on 15 March 2023. Throughout spring and summer, small numbers in the forest or, more frequently, flying over. Passage birds also occur, occasionally in large numbers, for example several hundred south on both 14 & 16 September 2013.


Turtle Dove.

One bird on 13 August 2014, flying in from the north, feeding briefly, then continuing south.



Fairly common from late April or May onwards, a slightly early bird on 23 April 2021. Several birds hold territory each year. Rarely seen from late summer, latest bird on 20 August 2022.


Eagle Owl.

One bird seen, flying through the forest canopy in February 2011, heard calling later in the same year.


Tawny Owl.

One pair breeds in a nestbox in the flooded forest, occasionally seen or heard through the year.


Tawny Owl



Tawny Owl



Long-eared Owl.

Common in adjacent pine forests, but only seven records on my land - a single bird seen at dusk in November 2005, one on 23 May 2019, one on 16 August 2019, one calling on 18 April 2020, one hunting at dusk on 30 July 2020, one at night on 21 November 2021 and one hunting in the evening on 3 July 2024. Probably occurs more frequently.


Pygmy Owl.

Nine records, all wintering birds at or near the feeding station - March 2007, February 2008, February 2010, November 2010, early March 2014 (singing), November 2019 - March 2020, mid-October-November 2020, mid-October - November 2021, February 2024.


Common Swift.

Common overhead throughout the summer, generally arrives early May. Latest records, c25 on 20 August 2023, three on 4 September 2021 and 12 birds on 6 September 2014.


European Nightjar.

Several records, a pair during spring migration and some summer records:

2020. Found during the daytime, a male and female in a small semi-open patch of woodland on 18 May, both still present on the 19th. The area they occupied was cleared of larger trees by Beavers some years earlier, the hazel regrowth also much reduced by Beavers in the previous autumn.

2022. Single female on the entrance track at night on 14 June, female in same location on 4 & 7 August.

2023. Four records at night along the entrance track (same location as seen in 2022) - male churring on 19 May, a pair on the track together on 6 July, one on 19 July, female on 19 August. Unusual location, basically open meadow, several kilometres from seemingly suitable breeding habitat.

2024. Potentially breeding in the area, a male churning near the house on 7 and 15 June. Two on 1 August, one along the entrance track, one on the garden lawn.


Common Kingfisher.

Recorded in three years:

2009. One bird on  the forest lake on 22 August.

2019. One on excavated pools on 29 September.

2020. Six records, potentially all relating to a single bird - one the forest lake on 18 September, one on the excavated pools on 23 September, one on the forest pool on 27 September, one moving between the forest and excavated pools on 3 October, one on excavated pool on 23 October, one on excavated pool on 10 November.



Seven records:

2008. One at the edge of the territory in June.

2010. Singing birds on 9 May.

2016. Singing bird also on 9 May.

2020. Singing bird on 19 May and one along entrance track on 29 July.

2023. One on garden lawn on 5 August.

2024. One on garden lawn on 27 July.


European Bee-eater.

A rare bird in Lithuania, the only record on my Labanoras plot is a single bird flying over in mid-summer in 2010.


European Roller.

Almost extinct in Lithuania, Labanoras was one of the last localities for this rapidly declining species. Until 2009, one pair bred every year adjacent to my plot and could be seen from late May through to late August. In late 2009 however, the regular male disappeared and, although the female fledged the young, there have been no records since that year.








Black Woodpecker.

Year-round resident, breeds in the forest, more common in winter. For the first time, a male began to use the peanut feeders from January 2012 through to spring.


Green Woodpecker.

One record - immature bird on garden lawn on 28 July 2024.


Grey-headed Woodpecker.

Regular on the feeders in winter (up to four), breeds in the flood forest or nearby most years.


White-backed Woodpecker.

Uncommon in Lithuania, but frequent on my land, one to two pairs breeding, two to five birds per winter at the feeders. As a historical note, the species was not recorded in the first couple of years on my land, but I had a fly-over on 2 August 2006, thereafter a male started using the feeders from January to March 2007, briefly reappearing in June. A female appeared from January 2009 till the winter's end, joined by a male in mid-March. This pair then established territory and the nest was found in late April, the first breeding record on the land. Probably aided by the large quantities of dead and dying trees resulting from beaver flooding, the species was then incresingly common from that date onwards.


Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Common, a minimum of two pairs breed. Up to sixteen birds at the feeders in winter.


Middle Spotted Woodpecker.

Common, one or two pairs breed. Up to eight at the feeders in winter.


Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.

One to two pairs breed. Up to four birds usually regular at the feeders in winter. A decline in autumn 2009 (possible to Pygmy Owl) saw the last female at the feeders disappear in December. Thereafter, there were no records until a pair reappeared in late March 2010. Regular again from that date, two pairs breeding in 2012.


Three-toed Woodpecker.

A rare species in Lithuania. Five records at Labanoras, all in the flood forest in winter, one returning three successive years.

- One male from February-March 2009.

- Presumed the same individual, one male from January to March 2012, November 2012 to February 2013 and 1 October 2013 to 1 March 2014

- Occurring alongside the above bird, an additional male was seen on 15 February 2014.

- One male on 20 January 2018.

- One female on 25 March 2021.



Regular in summer, singing birds from the middle to end of April. One to two pairs breed in the forest, some using nestboxes, more in nearby villages. Four singing males in early May 2020, two going on to hold territories.  Latest records were one on 16 August 2019 and one on 10 September 2020.



Abundant summer visitor. Depending on snow cover, the first birds return from the end of February or early March, thereafter singing birds can be found throughout the meadows, earliest records being in 2022 (12 birds on 20 February) and 2024 (six on 16 February, 10 on 17 February ). A conservative estimate would put the population at about 20 pairs, many more in neighbouring meadows.



Occasional migrant, breeds some years in the regenerating meadows. Best seasons to date were 2005 (after a flock of five on 28 March, three territorial pairs were present from early April) and 2020 (two territorial pairs from late March, thereafter breeding). Earliest spring records were of singles on 2 March and 5 March 2017, while the latest autumn records were on 25 September 2005 and 26 September 2013.



Breeds in neighbouring farms, arrives end of April. Abundant over the land, frequently drinking from the excavated pools. 


House Martin.

Frequent summer visitor, generally from early May, eg 6 May 2023. Breeds in general area and often seen overhead.


Sand Martin.

Five records, three of which in May:

2014. Two birds in a mixed hirundine flock on 31 August.

2020. One migrating north with Swallows on 2 May.

2022. Three moving north on 16 May.

2023. Two feeding with other hirundines over the flood forest on 6 May, three over meadows on 28 July.


Meadow Pipit.

Common summer visitor, two to four pairs breed in the meadows. Earliest birds generally end of March, latest autumn bird 2 November 2023.


Tree Pipit.

One to two pairs breed some years, preferring the regenerating scrub. Also passage migrant, typically in late April (earliest being two on 18 April 2020 and two on 7 April 2024). Exceptional spring passage in April 2020, begining with two on 18th, then 12 on 22nd, 15 on 25th and an unprecedented 115 on 26th. Similar large flock of about 120 on 21 April 2023. Occasional other large flocks have included 14 on 27 April 2013, five on 30 August 2014, 20 on 23 April 2016 and 45 on 25 April 2021. Exceptionally late record of one on 24 October 2020.


White Wagtail.

Returns end of March to early April, earliest records18 March 2023 and 16 March 2024. Breeds around the local houses and within the open flood forest (including in a woven nestbox in 2020), common on the land throughout the summer, most frequently beside the excavated pools and within the flood forest zone.


Yellow Wagtail.

Formerly a pair bred in the area around the excavated pools, but rare in recent years, none breeding. More usual as a passage migrant, though still not common - most recorded in spring, highest count a flock of nine on 1 May 2022 and about 20 on 30 April 2023.  Less regular in autumn, though a prolonged light passage in August 2022, birds daily in the second half of the month.

On passage, thunbergi race occasionally occurs alongside the flava race.

Yellow Wagtail


Citrine Wagtail.

One record of this localised species - a male present on seasonal pool in the meadows on 5 May 2020.



Common summer visitor, minimum 10-15 pairs breeding in the forest. Also a few passage birds, no winter records. 



Flight records over the meadows include six birds on 12 February 2006, 30 on 10 April 2011 and 18 on 2 March 2017. More often seen distantly in neighbouring gardens - most records in November or early December, highest counts being 181 on 26 November 2006, 95 on 2 December 2006 and 40 on 16 November 2008.






Uncommon breeder in the forest, arriving late March. Usually a moderately secretive bird in forest undergrowth, but one at the feeders in April 2011 and April 2021. Probably overlooked to a degree.



Common summer visitor and passage migrant. First arrivals late March, but peak numbers move through in early April. Thereafter a conservative estimate would put the breeding population at 10-15 pairs, mostly along the forest edge.


Thrush Nightingale.

Summer visitor, arriving mid-May. Pairs breed in the better vegetated areas of the regerating scrub, particularly alongside the damp forest.


Thrush Nightingale


Black Redstart.

Breeds around neighbouring houses and outbuildings, arrives late March to early April, earliest record a male on 15 March 2023 (at feeders). Occurs near the house, plus rare records near the excavated ponds or on open land laid bare by Wild Boars. Occasional autumn birds, including two on 26 August 2022, three on 18-21 September 2022, two on 6 October 2023, one on 28 October 2023, one on 25-31 August 2024, one on 13-18 September 2024, one on 16 October 2024.


Black Redstart


Common Redstart.

Surprisingly scarce, not annual, mostly recorded in autumn.  No breeding records, despite suitable habitat and nestboxes - all records of females or first-year birds, except one male in August 2023.

2012. One on 26 September.

2013. One on 27 May.

2014. One on 6 September.

2019. One on 25 August.

2020. One on 29 May, one on 5 September.

2021. One on 2 September, one on 6 October.

2022. One on 27 August, one on 10 September.

2023. Female on 24-25 August, male on 26-27 August, female on 2 September, female type on 19 September.

2024. One on 7-13 September.


Northern Wheatear.

Occasional records in spring (late April-May), almost always on the mounds around the pools, possibly bred in 2005. Autumn records rather rarer - two birds on 18 September 2005, four on 27 August 2006 (one remaining till 3 September), three on 7 September 2013, four on 30 August 2014 (two still present on 4 September), one on 15 August 2022, one on 12 August 2023, one on 15 September 2023, one on 5 October 2023.



Common summer visitor, usually arriving on around 22 April, about eight pairs breed. Earliest arrival was a male on 11 April. Regular passage birds, both spring and autumn, latest the first half of September, eg flock of eight on 10 September 2023, two on 15 September 2023.



Song Thrush.

Common passage migrant, arriving from late March, becoming abundant in April. Several pairs stay to breed in the forest, population estimated at about ten or fifteen pairs.


Mistle Thrush.

Breeds in nearby pine forests, but a passage migrant on my land. Most commonly seen in early to mid-March, typical records are of pairs or flocks of four or five birds. Earliest returnee was a singing bird on 24 February 2024. Autumn birds quite rare, though a flock of 12 on 28 October 2023 and five on 2 November 2023.



Two to four pairs formerly breed in the flood forest, typically fledging young in mid June, though more scarce in recent years. Also moderately uncommon passage migrant, though occasionally hundreds passing through. Very heavy spring passage in 2020, many hundreds daily through the first three weeks of April. No winter records.



One or two pairs breed in the regenerating scrub area annually, several pairs in the forest. Otherwise an abundant passage migrant - flocks of up to 500 are common, particularly in spring. Uncommon in winter, but singles or small flocks can usually be found in nearby orchards.



Common summer visitor, first birds usually arriving in mid-March, an early record of one on 3 March 2023. Many pairs breed within the forest. Very rare in winter.


Garden Warbler.

Moderately common breeder, generally arriving in early to middle of May. Several pairs breed along the woodland edge and better vegetated parts of the regeneration zone.



Common summer visitor, generally arriving from about 20 April, though a very early individual was recorded on 4 April 2019 and a slightly earlier on 14 April 2024. Breeds in the forest and better vegetated areas of the regenerating scrub, population 10-20 pairs.


Barred Warbler.

One record - a singing male along a hedgeline on 19 May 2020.


Lesser Whitethroat.

Primarily a spring migrant, birds regularly recorded in the last days of April or early May. Occasional autumn birds, eg two on 4 September 2022, two on 8 September 2024. Additionally, sometimes breeds in the regenerating scrub.


Lesser Whitethroat


Common Whitethroat.

Common breeder in both the regenerating scrub and areas of more rank vegetation within the meadows. Tends to arrive in the first days of May, a conservative estimate would put the population somewhere in the region of fifteen pairs.


Sedge Warbler.

Colonising species as habitat improves. After a couple of initial records of singing birds in open areas within the flood forest in 2009, the species thereafter colonised, with at least four territories by 2012. As parts of the forest become more open due to beaver action, the population continued to increase and, from 2017 onward, the population exceeded ten territories.


Grasshopper Warbler.

Two records only, both singing birds - one on 22 May 2005 and one on 23 May 2020.


Savi's Warbler.

Becoming a regular breeding species - first record was a singing bird holding territory in the flood forest reedbeds from 3 May until at least 10 May 2015, with presumably the same bird reappearing in exactly the same location from 2 May till 9 May 2016. Thereafter, regular singing birds also heard throughout the season from 11 May 2019, 1 May 2020, 9 May 2021, 2 May 2022 and 28 April 2023. Generally a single territory occupied per season, but two singing birds in 2023.


River Warbler.

Irregular on my land, one pair very occasionally breeds in damper areas within the regenerating scrub. Typically a late migrant, from mid-May to early June, example from 4 June 2023 and 26 May 2024. Relatively common around nearby lakes.


Great Reed Warbler.

A recent colonist to my land, singing birds occuring in the reeds in the open flood forest:

2017. One on several days in June.

2020. One on 9 May.

2021. Two territory holders from 12 May, breeding assumed.

2022. Only a single record, a singing bird on 15 May.

2023. One territorial singing bird from 18 May, a second singing from 20 May. Breeding presumed, both present through June.

2024. One singing on 10 May.


Reed Warbler.

Several records, probably breeding irregularly from 2016, though easily overlooked. Records consist of one bird in reeds in the open flood forest for a few days in early September 2015,  a territorial singing bird from 2 June 2016, one singing on 9 May 2020 and a singing bird from 22 May 2022 through to June, this attracting a mate. Also one passage bird also on 27 August 2022 and fledged young  on 7 August 2023. In 2024, one singing bird on 18 May, a separate territorial bird from 25 May and an autumn individual on 14 September.


Marsh Warbler.

Fairly common in summer, birds arriving in late May, eg 23 May 2024. Breeding along drainage ditches and in rank vegetation in the meadows, the typical population is one to two pairs.


Icterine Warbler.

One or two pairs breed in the forest, occasionally up to four pairs, preferring the drier areas, particularly amongst the stands of oak.


Willow Warbler.

Abundant throughout the forest and the regenerating scrub zone, at least fifteen to twenty pairs breed.



Common in the forest from early April, earliest on 5 April 2024. Singing birds suggesting a minimum of twenty territories each year.


Greenish Warbler.

A single bird seen on 24 June 2010, feeding in the understory next to the feeding station.


Yellow-browed Warbler

Initially detected by call, one feeding in woodland/wetland edge on 8 October 2018.


Wood Warbler.

Breeds in the drier areas of forest, generally arriving early May. Three or four singing males hold territories per season. 



Breeds in pine forest on the edge of my territory, but mostly a passage migrant on my land. Few records in spring, rather more common in autumn.


Spotted Flycatcher.

Declining summer visitor, arriving mid-May. Currently only single pairs, though formerly a minimum of four to five pairs bred annually in the woodland, either in nestboxes or natural sites. Occasional in autumn, eg in 2022, two on 3 September, one on 17 September.

Spotted Flycatcher


Spotted Flycatcher


Red-breasted Flycatcher.

Uncommon breeder in the flood forest. A male feeding fledged young was seen on 22 June 2005, then singing birds were noted in 2007, 2010,  2012, 2013, 2015, 2022, 2023 and 2024, the birds holding territories in most of these years. It is probable that the species breeds every year, but the habitat is largely inaccessible during the summer. Occasional autumn birds also including in September 2017, 28 August 2022 (in tree groves in the open meadows), 13 August 2023 and 31 August 2024 (isolated trees by house).


Pied Flycatcher.

Common in the woodland, readily taking to the nestboxes. Typically arriving in mid-April, the breeding population is up to 20 pairs, somewhat lower in the current day due to a reduction in nestboxes. Also rare autumn migrant, one on 28 August 2022 the latest.


Bearded Tit.

A single bird was noted in reeds in the open forest on 30 August 2015.


Great Tit.

The most abundant of the tit species, about 25 pairs breed, most in nestboxes, and winter tallies at the feeders exceed 150 birds. Large numbers also move through on migration, particularly in late September-October when hundreds of birds can occur daily at peak times.


Coal Tit.

Birds visit the feeding station some winters, typically a single bird or pair. Occasional birds also move through in autumn, numbers varying year to year.


Blue Tit.

Common breeder and winter visitor. About 10 pairs in the nest boxes and more in natural sites. One nestbox contained seventeen young in June 2005. Considerable autumn migration occurs and more birds influx in winter. Abundant at the feeding station, typical winter population about 60 birds.


Blue Tit


Crested Tit.

Few records - example , two birds feeding in the conifer groves on 19 October 2014, one in the same area on 15 February 2015, two on 7 April 2024.


Willow Tit.

Primarily a winter visitor. Outnumbered by Marsh Tits, typically one to four birds occur each winter at the feeders, with further birds recorded on autumn passage. Summer records rare, not thought to breed (but occurs in general area).


Marsh Tit.

Common resident, abundant at the feeders throughout the year. Four or five pairs breed, all in natural sites, and winter totals at the feeders estimated at 12-15 birds.


Marsh Tit


Long-tailed Tit. 

Breeder, migrant and wintering species. One to two pairs breed each year in the forest, but the greatest numbers occur in late September and October, when hundreds can move through on migration. Small flocks also occur at the feeding station in winter, usually about eight birds.  Almost all records relate to the white-headed caudatus race, but a single europaeus occured at the feeding station in January-February 2008 and in the next breeding season, a mixed pair was found, one adult caudatus, the other europaeus.


Long-tailed Tit



Common year-round resident. Three or four pairs breed and up to eight visit the feeders in winter. Most records relate to caesia race, but occasional europaea also occur in winter. An unusual eight-month absence of birds occurred in 2009-2010, with all birds vanishing in November 2009, not returning until June 2010.





Resident in the forest, one or two pairs breed. Occasionally visits the feeding station in winter, foraging on the trunks beneath feeders. On extremely rare occasions has fed on the actual feeders.


Red-backed Shrike.

A common bird in the general area, arriving mid to late May, one to two pairs breed on my land - usually a pair along the ditch and additional pairs either near the entrance track or in the regenerating scrub. Provision of 'shrike piles' has been a success - breeding birds using them immediately. Autumn birds usually linger to early September. One late bird on 28 September to 2 October 2022.


Red-backed Shrike


Great Grey Shrike.

Frequent during autumn and winter, typically arriving October (sometimes September, eg singles on 25 & 28 September 2022). Thereafter, one to two birds have large winter territories that include my land. Rare in summer, but a pair established territory in April 2006 and probably bred in the general area, appearing regularly on my land throughout the rest of the spring and summer. Also probably bred in the general area in 2014, with regular records through the summer.



Relatively common. One pair breeds on or around the territory each year. Nesting records to date have occurred in denser thickets in the regenerating scrub and, in 2009, one pair appeared to be prospecting in an open area within the actual forest itself.



Common throughout the year, birds breeding in the forest and visiting the feeding station. Additionally, considerable autumn passage occurs, particularly in late September and movements can total 25-30 birds an hour at peak.



Most frequently seen in late August and September when vocal and mobile. At this time of year, many birds move into the forest to feed in hazel growths and counts of ten to fifteen a day are not uncommon. In 2008 at least, a pair also bred, fledging two young.






Breeds in the general area. Not uncommon on my territory, frequently associating with visiting Rooks.



Abundant summer visitor, breeds nearby and commonly feeds in the meadows. Also frequent flocks noted on passage and rare winter records.


Hooded Crow.

Year-round resident. Four or five pairs breed on my land or immediately adjacent.



Common. Birds seen daily, frequently up to six or eight birds. An occupied nest was found in the forest in 2006, almost certainly breeds every year.



Common summer visitor, usually arriving from mid-March, but several February records in recent years - two on 26 February 2022, six on 16 February 2023, four on 25 February 2023, eight on 23 February 2024, 24 on 24 February 2024. About 12 pairs occupy nestboxes, with further pairs in natural sites throughout the forest, particularly in the zones with old oaks. Autumn flocks common in the meadows. 


Golden Oriole.

Fairly common breeder in the forest, singing males present from mid-May onwards, an early bird on 8 May 2022. Population difficult to estimate, perhaps three pairs in a good year. Occasional birds in nearby gardens also. An unusual autumn passage flock occurred on 10 August 2014, with at least 20 birds present.


House Sparrow.

Breeds in adjacent territories, occasional pairs occupying buildings or storks' nests in areas visible from my land.  Largely absent in winter, but the sole records actually on my land was a female joining Tree Sparrows at my feeding station on 14 December 2022 and a male also at feeders with Tree Sparrows on 26 May 2024.


Tree Sparrow.

Quite common in surrounding gardens in summer. About five pairs nest in the neighbourhood, scattered between nestboxes and storks' nests. Rare actually on my land, but five at feeders from 25 November 2022, rising to about 15 through to 10 December, then 15 again at feeders from from 20 November to 2 December 2023. Attracted by feeders and nest boxes, one pair bred in 2024, a second pair also present on occasion. Regular at the feeders while breeding, thereafter bringing the fledged young in late May and June.



Common summer visitor, pairs breed throughout the forest. Also abundant passage migrant, flocks frequently numbering over 100, particularly in late March-April and late September-October. Two winter records - a male at grain feeder on 10-11 December 2022, a pair on 24 November 2024.



Almost annual, but comparatively rare. Most records relate to passage birds and flocks typically number up to 20, the notable exception being an impressive 450 birds on 14 October 2006. Also occasionally occurs at the feeding station, records including eight on 20 April 2005, a male on 30 April 2005, several in April 2006, a male on 29 October 2006, a female on 13 April 2008 and males on 28 March and 5-6 April 2024. One winter record - a male with the Yellowhammer flock  at the grain feeders on 2 December 2023.





Summer visitor, one or two pairs breed. More birds noted on passage.



Flock of five feeding in set aside meadow on 4 November 2023.


Common (Mealy) Redpoll.

Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Flocks of up to 100 frequently noted in the alders both in the woodland and regenerating scrub, with further birds on the seadheads in the meadows, especially in the area around the excavated pools.


Lesser Redpoll.

Lithuanian rarity. Two birds recorded, a single amongst Common Redpolls in February 2009 and another drinking in the forest pool in October 2010.


Arctic Redpoll.

Lithuanian rarity. On 12 February 2006, in temperatures of minus 26 C, two birds were found in a flock of of 40 Common Redpolls.



Common year-round visitor, though only occasional breeder within the actual borders of the territory. The abundant seedheads and thistles in the uncut meadows attract summer, autumn and winter flocks, frequently numbering upward of 40 birds. An exceptional flock of about 170 on 6 August 2023, numbers remaining very high for some weeks after



Though abundant in the general area, Greenfinches are often moderately uncommon on my land - occasional records at the feeders some winters, periodic passage birds (highest number - a flock of about 40 on 14 October 2006) and, less commonly, records in the breeding season. Large numbers at my feeding station in April 2024, numbers climbing to over 60, birds thereafter present at the feeders through May and June.



Fairly common passage visitor, uncommon in winter. Typically, flocks encountered in the alder woodlands, occasionally birds feeding under the feeders. No summer records.



Relatively rare, singing birds recorded in the nearby village. Otherwise, one bird flying over the main land plot on 4 April 2011.



Common in autumn and winter, birds often feeding in the abundant ash trees throughout the forest. One or two pairs also breed per season and significant migration occurs in late autumn, frequent flocks moving through in late September and October.





Fairly common, occurs as an occasional breeding summer visitor, passage migrant and rare winter visitor. Passage birds are most regular in late March and April, during which time flocks of six to eight sometimes occur. Occasional at the feeders throughout the year, though never abundant - singles and pairs are the norm, but the highest count was eight in late July 2005.


Common Crossbill.

Occasional records only, all of birds flying over. Largest counts were of 20 on 20 June 2006 and about 15 on 14 May 2020. Neighbouring pine forest support birds more regularly.


Parrot Crossbill.

Single bird on 27 October 2013.


Common Rosefinch.

Three to four pairs breed annually in the regenerating scrub area, others occasionally along the track. Easiest to see while singing from arrival in mid-May through to June, though a late bird was also seen on 3 September 2006.


Reed Bunting.

Until summer 2012, there had been just five records (one 7 August 2005, two 10 April 2006, one on 26 April 2009, one on 25 April 2010 and one on 9 April 2012), but in June 2012 a pair was found breeding in the encroaching reed in the open forest, breeding thereafter, From this year onward, an annual breeder, increasing from one or two pairs in the first years to four pairs in 2020.  An impressive flock of about 45 birds was noted on 14 April 2013. Earliest records were of four birds on 14 March 2021 and one on 20 March 2022. Only one autumn record - four birds on 1 October 2022.



Moderately common, up to ten pairs breed in the regenerating scrub. Winter records were formally rare, but with the provision of a grain feeder in recent winters, good numbers now appear at the the feeders:

winter 2022-2023 - a flock of up to 70 at the end of November through to February

winter 2023-2024 - the early onset of snow saw numbers climb to about 160 at the end of November and early December, before dropping back to about 60-70 in mid-December to remain at that number till March.

winter 2024-2025 - arriving from early November, numbers hovered at around 30 in the first ten days of the month before climbing to about 50 by the 25th


Snow Bunting.

In the extremely late spring of 2013, a flock of five birds were discovered feeding on the track adjacent to my land on 6 April, a time when deep snow still blanketed all fields. A vehicle flushed the birds, the flock then disappearing across the meadows.


Pine Bunting.

Lithuanian rarity. One female, probably a first-year bird, was seen on 4 April 2009. Accepted by the Rarity Commission, this is the first record for Lithuania.



Last Updated ( Sunday, 24 November 2024 )
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