Italy (butterflies), three trips.
For A Festoon, Italy 2019 |
Written by Jos

Travelling in early April, the main goal of this three-day trip to southern Italy was to find Italian Festoon (Zerynthia cassandra), a species of butterfly restricted to the Italian Peninsula. |
Last Updated ( Monday, 13 May 2019 )
Butterflies of the Italian Alps, August 2020. |
Written by Jos
A short trip, primarily targeting late summer butterflies of Trentino, a picturesque area of the Alps north-west of Milan. Highly successful it proved, the five days producing no less than 73 species, including 15 species of ringlet and grayling, as well as other delights such as Provinçal Short-tailed Blue and both Apollo and Small Apollo. |
Last Updated ( Monday, 26 October 2020 )
Butterflies of the Italain Alps, July 2021 |
Written by Jos
Following on from a successful trip in August 2019, this two-week trip to the Italian Alps again focussed on butterflies in the dramatic mountain landscapes of the Dolomites. Revisiting excellent sites in Trentino, including Val di Rabbi and Peio, I also added the Lombardy and Veneto regions in the hope of finding the localised Cynthia's Fritillary and Alpine Blue. In addition to the above two species, the main targets on this trip were Asian Fritillary and, more generally, to simply enjoy the multitude of ringlets, fritillaries and blues available in this area. In the event, travelling a month earlier this time than previously, the two trips nicely complemented each other - not only did the species selections differ, but so too did overall butterfly abundances and diversity. |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 22 September 2021 )