California 2008. Introduction. |
Written by Jos

An amazing trip, pelagics full of seabirds and whales, Californian Condors in the mountains, close encounters with Black Bears in Yosemite and the hoped-for Roadrunners and Burrowing Owls in the deserts. |
Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 November 2012 )
Written by Jos

From the Californian Condors at West Pinnacles and a fabulous pelagic off Monterey, it was then across California for encounters with Black Bears and birds at Yosemite, before dropping into to the deserts beyond the Sierras. After thousands of Black-necked Grebes at Lake Mono and Sage Grouse at Lake Crawley, I travelled southward to Jawbone Canyon to see Le Conte's Thrasher in temperatures that touched 106 F! Onward, via Kern Valley and Big Morongo (for hummingbirds and Vermillion Flycatcher), I drove to Salton Sea and part two of my trip. |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 29 September 2009 )
Written by Jos
 The second half of my trip through California, including the amazing Salton Sea, the coastal districts in the south and north (Orange County, Ventura and Monterey Bay), plus trips to Santa Cruz Island, Mount Pinos and return visits to Yosemite National Park and West Pinnaces National Monument. Amazing birds throughout, from Burrowing Owls and Lesser Nighthawks at Salton to the Island Scrub Jay on Santa Cruz. |
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 29 September 2009 )